When you're carrying a load, you need to be sure that your cargo is staying where it's supposed to be. The proper way to secure it is with a net.

Our truck cover netting will keep items in your truck or trailer, and works much better than just a single rope.

Why take chances? We carry the supplies to help you secure your netting to your vehicle, too.

Have a look, and call us at (800) 426-2783, or email us at customerservice@seamar.com if you need any help.

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Truck and cargo nets

Keep your load where it belongs - in your truck!

For your truck cover net you can choose from any of our standard flat panels, 10', 12' and 14' wide and up to 50' long!
Use your truck cover net to cover your load and help keep your cargo safe and sound.
Your truck cover net will provide years of service. Our truck cover nets are made of high strength polyethylene, are permanent black in color, and have excellent resistance to UV degradation from sunlight. Rope edging is standard on four sides of all net panels and ten foot rope extensions in the four corners will help tie the net where you need it. Bulk netting comes with rope edging standard on two sides of the width but not the length.

3/4" mesh: Designed to keep smaller items under the net, 12' wide only.

1-3/4" mesh: Comes in standard #21 twine thickness, 10', 12' and 14' wide. Also comes in heavy duty #42 twine thickness, 10' or 12' wide.

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